Identify Prescription Details
There are several items that make up a prescription. The biggest issue you will probably have is reading the doctor’s hand-writing (thank goodness for electronic prescriptions.) Other than that, prescription details are standard.
- Prescriber’s name, address, and phone number
- Patient’s name, address, and phone number
- Date (ensure prescription is not expired)
- Inscription includes medication, strength, and quantity ordered
- Signa (sig) is the directions for use. Notice both the inscription and sig are “hand-written” on the example above. You will encounter many prescriptions that are barely legible so make sure you verify with doctor if you and the pharmacist are unsure of what is written.
- DAW stands for ‘Dispense as Written.’ If this is not mandated (and if insurance allows), then generic is usually fine to fill in most cases, even if inscription lists the brand name.
- Number of refills allowed
- DEA number to check validity of controlled-medication prescriptions
- Doctor’s signature