Unit Conversions

Pharmacy Unit Measures

Before jumping into calculations, learn these unit conversions. You will not be able to solve problems if you can’t convert from one unit of measurement to another. A quick recall of knowing something like 1,000 milligrams equal 1 gram will not only enable you to work the problem, but do so quickly. Remember the PTCE is a timed test. Don’t skip easy memorization now that will cost you time later.

Unit conversions is just one of the math basics of which you will need a solid grasp. Other basics like fractions, decimals, percentages, and algebra can all be found at Pass the Math Review. If you are having trouble understanding concepts working any of the pharmaceutical calculations, please review the basics first. Math in pharmacy cannot be avoided.

Common Conversions

1 mL 1 CC
1 fl oz30mL
1 cup (8 fl oz) 240mL
1 pint (16 fl oz)473mL
1 quart (32 fl oz)946mL
1 gallon (128 fl oz)3785mL
1 Tsp 5mL
1 Tbsp15mL
1 Tbsp3 Tsp
1 oz 30g
1 lb (16 oz)454g
1 g 15gr
1 grain 65mg
1 kg 2.2 lb
1 kg 1000g
1 g 1000mg
1 mg 1000mcg